Week 4: Workshopping + Minecraft

In my workshopping piece, I had a bit of a freakout that my essay was becoming too similar to essays I've written previously. But the class was so reassuring (all these are paraphrased) Darlene: "You shouldn't run away from what interests you and what you're passionate about." Izzi: "I haven't read much of your writing before so as someone who's reading it for the first time, I think it's great." Mishka: "We've been in a lot of classes together but I don't think it feels stale." Carly: "The only thing I noticed that was similar was the mention of another Barbie movie." Callie: "Amanda, I've really missed reading your writing." I love this course. I'll be sad to leave it at the end of semester. * On another note, my best friend and I started playing Minecraft on Saturday and I love it. Can't believe it took me so long to get onto it. I'm a complete noob but it's really nic...